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Kate Spade

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Born in 1962 in Kansas City, Missouri Kate Spade launched her line of handbags in 1993. 

  • Kate Spade now offers products in a range of categories.
  • Once famous for creating her trademark black nylon bags, Kate Spade has built an international accessories business including eyewear.
  • In 2004, Kate Spade shared her personal style and philosophies in her three books: Manners, Occasions, and Style.
  • Kate Spade New York has over 80 retail shops and outlet stores across the united states, and more than 100 shops internationally. Products are sold in more than 400 doors worldwide, in every time zone and on every continent.
  • Frames are fashionable and functional. Available in a large selection of colours and styles.

Visit the Kate Spade website.


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