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What’s New

Keep up-to-date on the latest vision-related news and eye care events in our Practice. The items are displayed by year and month. To view older entries use the links in the box below to select the year and month you would like.

March Madness

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 March Madness : 50% Off Shamrocked Frames, 20% Off All Other Frames  !

Some restrictions Apply.

*This offer can not be combined with other offers or vision insurance.

Guidelines For Picking the Right Pair of Shades

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There is a lot more that goes into finding the right pair of sunglasses than just fit and fashion.

6 Things You Need To Know About Cataracts

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Cataracts are a leading cause of vision loss in the United States and Canada. Here are 6 things you need to know.

5 Ways to Ensure Healthy Vision

Your eyes are constantly at work for you, playing a vital role as you navigate through each day. As May is healthy vision month, here are some things to keep in mind: Know your genesWhile your eyes may be the same color as your father’s eyes, you may have inherited...

What You Need to Know About Firework Eye Safety

Independence Day may have passed but fireworks season is still in full swing and fireworks-related injury and death is a real and serious danger.  According to the 2014 Annual Fireworks Report, compiled by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission there were at least 11 deaths and 10,500 injuries due to...

What Women Need to Know About Eye Health

According to Women’, ⅔ of blindness and visual impairment occurs in women. Additionally, an estimated 75% of visual impairment is preventable or correctable with proper education and care. With the increased risks for women it’s critical for women to know about the risks and prevention to effectively protect their eyes...

Enjoying Life During Eye Allergy Season

Spring is in the air. But along with the beauty of the blooming flowers and budding trees, comes allergy season. The high pollen count and allergens floating in the fresh spring air can certainly wreak havoc on the comfort level of those suffering from allergies, causing an otherwise nature-loving individual...

Introducing the new 1-Day Acuvue DEFINE Color-Enhancing Contacts

We are pleased to announce the launch of 1-Day Acuvue DEFINE contact lenses.   These new contact lenses enhance the natural beauty of your eyes with three unique effects for every eye color. Available in Shimmer, Sparkle and Shine.   See the lenses: Select a model and see how DEFINE...

Can you Really Go Blind from Looking at a Solar Eclipse?

Last week, people in South America, Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia and the Middle East saw a solar eclipse. As you may have heard, looking directly at a solar eclipse is very dangerous for your eyes and vision. Nevertheless, this rare event is something that many people want...

10 Steps to Prevent Vision Loss

March is Save Your Vision Month, a time to raise public awareness about how to protect your eyes and your vision. Most people aren’t aware that 75% of potential vision loss can be prevented or treated. This largely depends on patients being proactive and educated about their eye health. Here...

Refocus on the Digital Age with Computer Glasses

Digital devices have impacted our world in so many positive ways, allowing us to connect, work, play and get information at the speed of light. But all of this good brings with it a measure of concern: Digital Eye Strain or Computer Vision Syndrome. Focusing on your vision on digital...

Living With Low Vision

February is Low Vision and Age-Related Macular Degeneration awareness month.   Low vision describes a set of conditions in which there is significant visual impairment which can not be corrected with traditional means such as glasses, contact lenses, medication or eye surgery.   Low vision includes a loss of visual acuity...

Know How and When to Treat an Eye Infection

It’s that time of year again…coughs, sneezing, running noses and itchy, red eyes.  How do you know when an eye irritation is something that needs medical attention? First of all, any time an eye infection is accompanied by fever, excessive discharge or pain, you should see your eye doctor immediately....

8 Tips to Beat Winter Dry Eyes

One of the most common patient complaints during the winter months is dry eyes. In the cooler climates, cold winds and dry air, coupled with dry indoor heating can be a recipe for eye discomfort.  Dryness and irritation can be particularly debilitating for those who wear contact lenses or suffer...

Our Holiday Hours

Please note our holiday hours this year:   Wednesday Dec. 24 - open 9am to 2pm Thursday Dec. 25 - closed Friday Dec. 26 - open our regular hours (9am to 6pm).   Wednesday Dec. 31 - open 9am to 2pm Thursday Jan. 1 - closed Friday Jan. 2 -...

Red Eyes vs. Dry Eyes by Dr. Phillips

These days red eyes are not considered to be particularly worrisome. People will usually brush off their red eyes as simply a symptom of allergies or fatigue. In many cases, of course, they are right. It should be noted, however, that not all causes for red eyes are created equal....

“Eye” Am Home for the Holidays – 7 Eye Tips for College Students

Winter break is in a few weeks and, with college students finding their way home for the holidays, it is a good time for parents to check in and make sure their independent kids are taking care of themselves properly.Vision plays a key role in learning as well as extra-curricular activities...

7 Things You Should Know About Eyelid Twitches

You may have experienced this before. Out of nowhere, your eyelid starts twitching uncontrollably. While this can be a cause of aggravation, eyelid twitches, spasms or tics are actually quite common. Here are 7 things you should know about this eye condition: Eye twitches are generally caused by a repetitive,...

October is…

October is 'Eye Injury Prevention Month' in the USA and 'Eye Health Month' in Canada. There are about 285 million people living with blindness and low vision all around the world. Children account for some 19 million of them. The vast majority of visual impairment is readily treatable and/or preventable....

World Sight Day Challenge – No More Avoidable Blindness

The World Sight Day Challenge, slated to take place on October 9, 2014 is an annual awareness day that aims to focus global attention on blindness and vision impairment worldwide. The day aims to create awareness that blindness can be avoided if there is universal access to quality vision and...

Protect Children’s Eyes During Sports

The new school year has kicked off and you can tick off purchasing all that back to school equipment. Now, it's time to think about what your child will need for after school sports and hobby activities. Making sure they have the right protective eyewear for their sporting or athletic...

Cutting Edge Glaucoma Technology

A futuristic, yet simplistic, eye implant paired with a smartphone app may change the way eye doctors treat glaucoma.

Comfortable Vision for Back-to-school Reading

School is starting: Do you know how to set up your child’s homework and reading spot? Reading and writing are some of the most fundamental skills that your child to facilitate learning in school, so it is important to make sure that your child's eyes are comfortable when they are...

OCT: Should you get it?

Eyes of the World is proud to offer an advanced retina exam with high quality digital photography. OCT, which stands for Optical Coherence Tomography uses advanced technology to examine the retina, layer by layer. As a leading optometric practice in Eugene, Oregon Optovue technology was an ideal fit with our...

Be on the Lookout for Vision Problems this Summer Break

Summer vacation is well under way, but did you know that even when your child is out of the classroom, vision problems can have an impact on his/her daily activities? Look out for these 4 warning signs during the summer months – they could be a sign of vision difficulties...

Should You Be Worried About Eye Floaters?

Eye floaters are actually more common that you may think. Many people notice specks or cobweb-like images moving around in their line of vision, at some point. Some even report experiencing a "snow globe effect" as if they are swatting at many imaginary bugs. Floaters may be an annoyance, but...

Welcome to our New Website

Visit our new optometry website for information about our Practice.

Pink, Stinging Eyes?

It Could Be Pink Eye.

Sweetheart Special

feb 2021

Sweetheart Special: 20% Off All Frames, $119 Eye     Exams ! 

Some restrictions apply. *This offer cannot be combined with other offers or vision insurance


March Madness: 50% Off Shamrocked Frames, 20% Off Any Other Frame !